1. Purpose of the brochure
2. Explanation of terms used
3. Presentation of the credit granting and monitoring process;
3.1. Stages completed in order to grant the loan;
3.2. Administration of the credit agreement
3.3. Finalization of the credit agreement
3.4. The consequences of non-payment of payment obligations and the risks assumed by consumers.
1.Purpose of the brochure:
In the context of a continuous development of the civil circuit, with a particular concern for the legal framework of the circuit that a credit contract (and especially a consumer credit contract guaranteed by a real estate mortgage) has, creditors must come to the aid of consumers with useful information about financial products (consumer loans) guaranteed by a real estate mortgage, so that in the situation where the consumer wants to contract such a loan, he is aware and fully informed about all the consequences and implications of a legal and financial nature that such a contract assumes them.
Get informed, it’s your right!
Frequent questions:
2.Explanation of terms used:
Consumer credit contract secured by a real estate mortgage – the contract concluded between the creditor and the debtor, a natural person, other than the credit contract for real estate investments, by which the creditor undertakes to make available to the debtor a sum of money as a loan, and the debtor obliges to return the loaned amount and related costs within the crediting period established by mutual agreement. In order to sign the consumer credit contract guaranteed by the real estate mortgage, the debtor guarantees the full repayment of the loan with an immovable property, the personal property of the client or of another person who guarantees the requested loan.
Eligible customer – natural person who meets the conditions established by the internal procedures of the financial institution, in order to access the requested loan.
Client with completed contract – former client of the financial institution, who has fully paid off the contracted loan and related payment obligations.
Client in foreclosure – client against whom foreclosure proceedings have been initiated.
Conversion (within a credit contract) – the operation of changing the currency of the credit.
The total cost of the credit – all costs, including interest, commissions, taxes and any other type of costs that the consumer must bear in connection with the credit agreement and which are known to the creditor, the costs for ancillary services related to the credit agreement, in particular the insurance premiums, if the conclusion of the service contract is mandatory for obtaining the credit itself, (exception: notary fees, costs regarding the performance of advertising formalities and costs for ancillary services related to the credit contract unknown to the creditor at the time of conclusion of the contract).
Originator of the mortgage – guarantor (within the credit agreement) – the person specified as such in the Agreement, as well as his successors and assignees in rights and who undertakes to perform the obligations assumed by the Borrower under the Agreement, jointly and indivisible, with the express waiver to the benefit of division and discussion.
Claim – the act by which the creditor’s right to receive a sum of money from the debtor is ascertained. The claim constitutes an asset for the creditor and a liability for the debtor (debt). Also, the notion of „debt” represents a right that the creditor has over the amount of money owed to him and/or the title, the document that establishes this right.
Credit – the loan made available or which the lending institution has undertaken to make available to the Debtor by the Creditor, at the terms and conditions negotiated by the parties, stipulated in the credit agreement, in exchange for the obligation of the debtor in question to repay the respective amount, as well as to pay interest or other expenses related to this amount.
Consumer credit – a credit granted to a natural person, other than the credit for real estate investments (examples: loans for personal needs, cars, studies, medical services, etc.). Consumer loans are divided into two categories: unguaranteed and guaranteed by a mortgage on real estate. Within the Company, „consumer credit” means a loan granted for a maximum initial period of 5 years, in order to satisfy the financial needs of the individual customer and for which justification of the way of use of the money is not requested.
Creditor – the person who, within an obligatory legal relationship, is entitled to demand from another person, called the debtor, the execution of a determined performance: to give, to do or not to do something. The creditor is the holder of the right of claim and the active subject in the obligation report, the debtor being the passive subject. In the legal relations deriving from bilateral or synalagmatic contracts, each of the parties accumulates the capacity of creditor and debtor, the rights of one finding their counterpart in the obligations of the other party.
Unsecured creditor – creditor whose claim is secured by a general lien on the debtor’s patrimony, without having any real or individualized personal guarantee.
Due date – within a credit contract, the due date is the date on which a payment obligation of the consumer based on the signed credit documentation becomes due and on which the customer is legally in arrears for any payment obligation towards the Creditors including, without to be limited to: the payment dates of interest, installments, costs, etc., stipulated in the Credit Agreement; the anticipated maturity declared by the Creditor; the final due date for credit repayment.
Remunerative interest – represents the price of the „use” of the loan granted by the lending company to the consumer, consisting of a sum of money, paid monthly, until the full repayment of the loan, calculated for the period before the obligation’s due date.
Penalty interest – the interest due to the financial institution from which the loan was contracted in case of delay in the payment of the obligations assumed by the contract, in the form of a percentage rate applied only to the principal.
Credit documentation – all the documents required by the credit institution for the granting of the loan to the applicant, a natural or legal person, the credit agreement, the additional documents to the contract, the guarantee documentation and any other contract, application or other accessory document, as well as the documents that were the basis of their preparation.
The right of withdrawal – (within a credit agreement) – the prerogative of the borrower to opt for withdrawal from the credit agreement within a certain term and under certain conditions, without citing reasons.
Debitor – persoana fizica care a primit o suma de bani cu titlu de imprumut de la societatea creditoare si care are obligatia de a o restitui la un anumit termen, stabilit de comun acord intre parti, impreuna cu dobanzile aferente.
Debtor – natural person who received a sum of money as a loan from the creditor company and who has the obligation to return it at a certain term, established by mutual agreement between the parties, together with the related interests.
Declaration of cancellation – declaration authenticated by the notary public, by which the Creditor declares that he agrees with the cancellation of the mortgage established on the property brought as a guarantee, considering the full repayment of the loan and related payment obligations, by the debtor.
Exchange rate differences – the difference that occurs when there is a change in the exchange rate between the date of the transaction and the settlement date of any monetary elements resulting from a currency transaction.
Effective annual interest – the total cost of credit for the consumer, expressed as an annual percentage of the total value of the credit, including the Total Cost of Credit. APR is equal, for a period of one year, to the current value of all commitments (withdrawals, repayments and costs), future or present, agreed by the creditor and the consumer and is calculated in accordance with the mathematical formula established by Directive 2008/ 48/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 23, 2008″, provided in Annex 1 of GEO 50/2010 and GEO 52/2016.
Enforceable – debt with a full due date, i.e. whose voluntary or forced execution, can be requested by the creditor.
Guarantor – natural person who commits to the Creditor to pay the debtor’s debt in the event of the latter’s inability to pay.
Eligible guarantee – real estate that meets the conditions stipulated by the internal lending procedure of the financial institution from which the consumer wishes to contract a consumer loan guaranteed by a real estate mortgage.
Repayment schedule (within a credit contract) – representation of the timing of the repayment of the amounts used from the Credit by the Borrower and the payment of the related interest, specifying the payment amount and the Due Date. The Repayment Chart is updated according to the provisions of the Contract and is an integral part of the Credit Contract, in its initial or updated form.
Real estate – represents a free or occupied land for construction, a construction, an apartment located in a building intended for housing/commercial space, which belongs to one or more owners.
Monthly rate – the amount established by the lending company in mutual agreement with the client, following direct negotiations between them, on the occasion of the conclusion of the credit agreement, which the client is going to pay monthly to repay the contracted credit. As a rule, there are 2 variants of the composition of the monthly installment, depending on the customer’s option regarding the method of repayment of the credit: the monthly installment consisting only of the fixed remunerative interest; the monthly rate consisting of the principal rate + the fixed rate of remunerative interest
Early repayment – repayment before the deadline established in the repayment schedule of a part of the principal (partial early repayment) or even the full principal (full early repayment). The legislation in force allows creditors, who apply fixed remunerative interest to the credit, to ask for an early repayment commission, in the amount of a maximum of 1% of the value of the early repaid loan.
3.1.The stage of entering the request.
In order to grant a consumer credit guaranteed with a real estate mortgage, there are a series of stages that the consumer must go through.
I.The stage of entering the request
The consumer who wants to obtain a loan will make a credit request that he will submit to the financial institution from which he wants to contract the credit and will submit the requested documents in order to analyze the credit request.
In this stage, the lending institution will analyze the client’s eligibility, his ability to repay and the eligibility of the property brought as a guarantee. If the client meets the conditions of the credit institution he has chosen and falls into the category of eligible clients, the building that the consumer proposes as collateral will be further analyzed and the request will be forwarded for analysis and approval to the approved departments.
Depending on the consumer’s income, the guarantee presented and the requested amount, a representative of the financial institution will perform a series of calculations to classify the consumer in the requested amount, so that depending on his income, expenses and the requested amount, he can support the credit rate on which the consumer will have to pay in the event of contracting the loan.
Pre-contractual information
The creditor (or credit intermediary) must provide the consumer with the necessary information to allow him to compare several offers in order to make an informed decision regarding the eventual conclusion of a contract.
The information provided by the creditor must be made:
– with enough time before, but not less than 15 days before a consumer concludes a credit contract or accepts an offer;
The creditor’s information must include:
– the type of credit;
– the identity and address of the creditor’s headquarters;
– the total value of the loan;
– duration of the credit agreement;
– the asset and the purchase price of the credit (in the case of a credit granted in the form of a deferred payment);
– the interest rate related to the credit;
– the conditions for applying the interest rate related to the credit;
– the effective annual interest and the total amount payable by the consumer;
– the effects of the application of some pulling mechanisms;
– the amount, number and frequency of payments to be made by the consumer;
– account administration fees;
– the taxes, fees and costs that the consumer must pay;
– the obligation of an accessory service, especially an insurance;
– the interest rate applicable in the case of overdue installments;
– the requested guarantees;
– the right of withdrawal and early repayment;
– the right to be informed about the result of the evaluation of the consumer’s creditworthiness;
– the consumer’s right to receive, upon request and free of charge, a copy of the draft credit agreement;
– the period in which the information has binding legal force for the creditor.
Creditors also owe appropriate explanations, according to which the consumer can evaluate whether the contract corresponds to his needs and his financial situation.
„Appropriate explanations” must include:
– explanation of pre-contractual information;
– the essential characteristics of the proposed products;
– explanation of the costs that are part of the total cost of the loan;
– the consequences of non-payment by the consumer.
When submitting the documents (complete file), the consumer receives:
II. The stage of analyzing the request by the creditor company
After submitting the request for a loan and completing the file with the requested documents, the credit institution’s representatives analyze the credit request based on the internal crediting procedure and can grant the consumer the requested amount, a smaller amount, or reject the request for granting a loan.
III.The stage of informing the consumer about the approval or rejection of the credit request
In the event that the credit institution approves the consumer’s request, its representatives will send him the answer and will keep in touch with him in order to complete the credit file, when it is the case with the requested documents, in order to sign the credit documentation and access the loan. After the approval of the credit application, if the client requests the modification of certain contractual clauses compared to those presented in the draft contract sent to the client when submitting the credit file, the contractual clauses are negotiated
In the last case where the credit institution rejects the credit request, its reasoned decision is sent to the consumer through the institution’s representatives.
IV.Signing stage
In the situation where the consumer’s credit request is approved and he accepts the conditions, until the credit documentation is signed, the file is completed with all the requested documents.
The credit agreement clearly and concisely specifies the following:
All the above information is provided in the contract, without reference to the creditor’s general business conditions, to the list of rates and commissions or to anything else written. To authenticate the real estate mortgage contract related to the credit contract, the notary office will request issuance of the authentication extract. The signing of the credit agreement and the mortgage agreement can take place at the earliest on the day of issuing/receiving the authentication statement. After signing the credit agreement and the mortgage agreement, the registration of the mortgage right in favor of the creditor company is requested.
3.2. Administration of the credit agreement
After signing the credit documentation, the requested amount is made available to the client and the credit contract goes into administration.
In the event that the credit documentation has been signed and the customer changes his mind, he benefits from a right of withdrawal, in the sense that he has a period of 14 calendar days from the date of the conclusion of the credit contract in which he can withdraw from the contract without citing reasons. In the event that the client exercises this right, he has the obligation to register at the Creditor’s headquarters, before the expiration of the 14 calendar days, a written notification, on paper, regarding his decision to exercise the right to withdraw from the credit agreement and to return the financial institution from which he contracted the credit, without any unjustified delay and no later than 30 calendar days from the date of sending the notification regarding the withdrawal, the credit or part of the credit drawn and the related interest from the date on which the credit or the respective part of credit was returned.
For the credit granted, the creditor can only charge: file analysis commission, credit administration commission or current account administration commission, costs related to concluded insurance contracts and, as the case may be, penal interest, other costs related to the respective credit charged by third parties, as well as a single commission for services provided at the request of consumers. The file analysis commission and the single one will be established in a fixed amount, the same amount being charged to all consumers with the same type of credit, within the same institution, for credits granted in the same period of time. The administration commission is charged for monitoring/recording/performing operations by the creditor for the purpose of using/reimbursing the credit granted to the consumer. If this commission is calculated as a percentage, it will be applied to the current credit balance. The administration commission will be established in an amount that will exclusively reflect the actual and justifiable costs borne by the creditor for the provision of services. The single commission will be established in an amount that exclusively reflects the costs borne by the creditor for providing the service provided at the consumer’s request.
The calculation of the monthly rate of interest/commissions will be done: a) either on the basis of the calendar year of 365 or 366 days in the case of a leap year, taking into account in the numerator of the fraction of the formula, the effective number of days included between the due dates, and in the denominator of the same fraction , 365 or 366 days, as the case may be; b) either taking into account the number 30 days in the numerator of the fraction, and the number 360 in the denominator of the fraction.
During the development of the credit, additional documents can be concluded to the credit contracts, based on the requests of customers with ongoing credit contracts or as a result of various changes to the initial contractual clauses/conditions during the credit administration period. The credit contract produces effects until the repayment of the credit and interest, amicably or through the forced execution of the guarantees that the consumer has established in favor of the creditor company.
Based on the legal regulations in force, debtors can repay the contracted credit at any time.
3.3.Finalization of the credit agreement
The credit contract terminates by law on the date when the client has paid all the payment obligations he had towards the credit institution.
The credit agreement may terminate before the date established by the credit agreement, in the event that the customer repays the contracted credit in advance, paying all the payment obligations that are his responsibility.
The consumer has the right, at any time, to fully or partially fulfill his obligations under a credit agreement before its termination. In this case, the consumer has the right to a reduction of the total cost of the credit, this reduction consisting of the interest and costs related to the amount repaid in advance for the period between the date of the early repayment and the date provided for the termination of the credit contract.
The consumer’s right to repay in advance cannot be conditioned by the payment of a certain minimum amount or a certain number of installments.
In case of partial early repayment, the consumer has the right to choose between:
The creditor has no right to apply penalties, to collect compensation or any other costs from the consumer in case of early repayment.
In situatia in care creditul este rambursat anticipat si exista un contract de asigurare atasat creditului, consumatorul poate opta fie pentru mentinerea in vigoare a contractului de asigurare, cu incheierea unui act aditional in vederea schimbarii beneficiarului asigurarii, fie pentru incetarea valabilitatii acestuia, cu posibilitatea restituirii diferentei de prima aferenta perioadei ramase, conform prevederilor conditiilor de asigurare.
In the situation where the credit is repaid early and there is an insurance contract attached to the credit, the consumer can opt either for maintaining the insurance contract in force, with the conclusion of an additional act in order to change the beneficiary of the insurance, or for the termination of its validity, with the possibility of restitution the difference from the premium related to the remaining period, according to the provisions of the insurance conditions.
Upon termination of the credit agreement, the lending institution will issue the address confirming the extinguishment of the payment obligations arising from the credit agreement and will sign the authentic declaration of cancellation of real estate mortgage rights given by the representative of the respective institution in front of the collaborating public notary.
4.The consequences of non-payment of payment obligations and the risks assumed by debtors.
During the development of the credit agreement, a series of unforeseen situations may appear, consumers may face economic-financial difficulties that they may or may not overcome, therefore consumers must fully understand the scope and implications of the decision to contract a consumer credit, especially when this credit is guaranteed by a real estate mortgage, in order to avoid the situation in which, due to non-payment of the obligations assumed by the credit contract, they end up in foreclosure. Therefore, in the situation where, after concluding a consumer credit contract with a real estate guarantee, the client does not respect the obligations assumed by that contract, the credit institution, under the conditions of the law, has the right to proceed with the forced execution of the client’s assets, starting with foreclosure of the property with which the loan was guaranteed.
Most of the time there is the possibility of recovery for the clients during the development of the credit contract, the financial institutions helping their clients by granting a series of facilities if they cooperate and communicate constantly with the representatives of the financial institution. The situations in which the foreclosure of the mortgaged property is irremediably due to the lack of communication between consumers and the representatives of the respective institution in order to identify possible solutions (in most cases, consumers interrupt communication with the financial institution when they have financial problems and they cannot adequately fulfill the obligations assumed by the credit contract). The consumer relations policy involves providing adequate information, as well as providing support to debtors who are in difficulty paying. Any interaction between the creditor and the consumer, in relation to his payment difficulty, respects the confidentiality of any information related to the established contractual relationship. With a consumer in payment difficulty, a level of contact and communication is maintained proportional to the information requirements, and not excessive. Consumers who are in payment difficulties are given support and the following information: a) the number of payments not made or partially made; b) the total amount of late payments; c) the costs associated with late payments; d) the importance of the consumer’s cooperation with the creditor in order to resolve the situation. e) information regarding the consequences of non-made payments, including penalty interest and possible loss of property; f) information about the rights of the consumer in such situations. The debtor in payment delay is sent notifications and payment communications depending on the days of delay. The solutions offered by the creditor may include: a) total or partial refinancing of the credit agreement; b) extending the duration of the credit agreement; c) postponing the payment of the total or partial amount for a period; d) interest rate change; e) consolidation of several credits that can offer a longer credit term and a lower rate; f) installment rescheduling; g) rescheduling of installments; h) credit conversion. The offered solutions cannot include: a) the upward modification of the interest rate, or as the case may be, the fixed interest rate, the introduction of commissions, as well as the introduction of new cost elements through additional documents drawn up for the granting of rescheduling, rescheduling, grace periods granted to the debtor’s request; b) a revaluation of the good brought under warranty and also do not impose another warranty, except at the express request of the consumer. The restructuring proposals must be feasible and reasonable, formulated clearly and without ambiguity, so that the debtor fully understands the effects arising from them. The creditor will not initiate or continue legal proceedings, as long as the client complies with the conditions established for restructuring the loan. In the event that the consumer does not fulfill the obligations assumed by the credit contract, the financial institution can foreclose the real estate brought as a guarantee, regardless of whether or not the said real estate represents the consumer’s home. Therefore, it is important for consumers to be aware of the real possibility of losing their home through foreclosure according to the legal provisions in force. In the situation where the forced execution of the guarantee has started, the property is put up for public auction and any person interested in purchasing the property can register for the auction to buy the property in question.
In practice, there is an increase in consumers who encounter difficulties in repaying loans contracted in a foreign currency, due to the fluctuations that the exchange rate recorded during the duration of the credit contracts. It is important that if the consumer chooses to take out a consumer loan in a currency other than the one in which he earns income, he should take into account and understand the fluctuations that the exchange rate may experience over a long period of time. As the fluctuations of the exchange rate cannot be predicted, the consumer must take safety measures and analyze whether he can respect his obligations assumed by the credit contract. The debtor can convert, at any time during the contractual relationship, the credit agreement into an alternative currency based on a written request. The creditor sends his offer to the debtor as soon as possible, but no more than 15 calendar days from the date of registration of the request. The creditor provides the debtor, at the time of the loan conversion request, with a simulation of the payment schedule, both in the contract currency (euro) and in the conversion currency (lei). The modification will be made through additional documents agreed with the creditor, without costs or commissions charged by the creditor or other guarantees from the debtor. The exchange rate at which the conversion is carried out is the exchange rate communicated by the National Bank of Romania on the day of the conversion request. It is forbidden to enter into a new credit contract as a result of the conversion, except for the case where the debtor expressly requests this. The creditor ensures that the debtor is regularly warned (in connection with an increase in the total amount payable by the debtor, with the right to convert it into an alternative currency and the conditions under which this can be done) at least in cases where the total amount payable of the debtor that remains to be repaid or of the periodic installments varies by more than 20% (in relation to the amount that would amount to if the exchange rate from the time of the conclusion of the contract were applied) between the currency of the credit agreement and the national currency .
Any misunderstanding resulting from the interpretation and/or execution of the credit agreement shall be resolved, as far as possible, amicably. In the event that an amicable solution is not possible, the debtor/guarantor has the right to initiate legal action against the Creditor if he considers that it has violated the legal provisions, as well as to notify the National Authority for Consumer Protection. Notifications and complaints from consumers are received at the headquarters of the Regional/County Commissioners for Consumer Protection or at the Commissioner for Consumer Protection of the Municipality of Bucharest, depending on the territorial area in which the complained economic operator operates. Complaints and notifications are made in written or electronic format, or submitted in person. (
Material provided by Easy Credit 4 All IFN S.A. (in accordance with art. 4, paragraph 2, GEO 52/2016 regarding the credit contracts offered to consumers for real estate, as well as for the amendment and completion of the Government’s emergency Ordinance no. 50/2010 on credit contracts for consumers)
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